It took me this long to join a cult... I didn't think it would involve ropes.

I did it. I joined the cult of Rope Flow.

The Moment Rope by Axiofit

My first exposure to these ropes was memorable but not impactful enough to hook me in. It was at Kepaniwai Park in Iao Valley, my morning swimming spot. My buddy Diego and I would meet to swim almost every day in the lockdowns. He is the type of fella to have the cutting-edge gadget or gizmo as an early adopter, so he showed me the ropes. (womp womp)

At first attempt, I didn’t flow, but I did thwack, thump, and bop as I tried to force the rope where I thought it should go vs where it thought it should go. There’s a life lesson in there somewhere.

Recently, I watched this video from Nsima Inyang. He cut out a lot of hype and explained that he uses the ropes to move his spine and shoulders more freely. He does this by committing just 1-3 minutes daily to the ropes. Some days he feels like doing more, so he does. Other days he checks off the box that he did it.

So I got this rope. I love it.

Do I think this will solve all my human woes? Nope.

Do I think that flow style is the only way to do any workout and all other workouts can eat my ropes dust? Also nope.

Do I think it’s fun, stimulating to my mind, and achieves the goal of movement in my spine and shoulders? Oh, hell yeah I do!

I’d even recommend it to you.

Wait, wait…

1- it is not lost on me, a self-professed minimalist, that many of my recent posts have been telling you what to buy. In reality, this blog mirrors my real life. IRL I teach people how to use cool things for fitness, and then they ask where they can get one. So I share.

2- it is not lost on me, a coach who gently guides clients to the middle path of fitness (away from extremes), that I am recommending a modality that will likely continue rising as a trend, and possibly fall to the wayside when something new and shinier shows up. The key takeaway is I’m suggesting you find a fun and sustainable way to move your spine and shoulders for long-term health. How we do it doesn’t matter.

So if you require firing up your spinal engine and oiling those movable shoulders, give it a try!

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